
Friday 21 February 2020

Antithesis 2020

Antithesis is using the opposite of something in a sentence to achieve a contrasting effect.
It emphasizes the significance of an idea or theme, which allows the reader to connect to small or insignificant topics.

Common examples

Own example:

Work quickly and you will never work well, work well and soon you will work quickly

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Irobot movie reveiw

Throughout the last few lessons in English, our class has been watching the movie Irobot. This is a futuristic movie based around a universe of robots. These robots have to follow three laws which are.

  • A robot can't harm a human
  • A robot must follow all instruction of a human unless it conflicts with the first law 
  • A robot must protect its own exitance unless it conflicts with the other two laws
These laws are encrypted into the computers of the robots in the movie. But the plot of the movie is that the creator of these robots has died by an unknown source. But this is unusual because a robot can't harm a human. This unknown killer and the mysteries of a new harmful robot. Intrigued me as an audience, into wanting to know the story of the movie. Through which we find out that the creator of the robots, made a new law breaking robot. To hint the main character into realizing the damage the robots were about to cause.

Leading the protagonist, with hints and clues through this new robot. Provided us as an audience to think deeper into the movie. To uncover what would happen next. Replaying moments in my head to see if they match up with what was going on now. I thoroughly enjoy how the director has told this story, of compassion, and trust. Because we're growing into a world full of technology. Which each day are influencing us through social media, adds on television, and other peoples opinions. The movie tells us to keep vigilant, still, uphold the values that we are humans have and to care for the ones around us.

Overall the movie gave a good insight into the possibilities of the future, as humans grow in capability and ingenuity. But also tells us to upkeep the important values of human life.

Wednesday 14 November 2018

English creative writing

Under the darkness of time, Erebus found a brother, the creator of everything to do with exploding light. Feasting from the many unknown pure elements within the night. Apollo rose to meet his new welcoming brother. Throughout the galaxy was many available places for these two brothers to live. Erebus had designated a piece of darkness to which Apollo could happily live. Apollo was not fond of what there was to do. Apollo tried to call his brother so that they could do something together. His brother didn't respond to any of his questions. This led Apollo to believe, that he had full control of his patch of the universe. Light became known for the first time within the universe. Created by the dark times, Apollo had feasted on the elements of the universe. All fell into place by a magnitude of explosions. The orbiting glow of luminous light, attracted to each other, clumping together causing an array of attention to Erebus. Within seconds Erebus rose to attend what Apollo had created. The depths of the universe could be seen in one place. Erebus was devastated on the creation of light. This led to a massive argument. Using these new orbiting lights, Apollo threw them at Erebus. Weakening him with every shot. This almost caused defeat to Erebus. The orbiting glows of light, grew to Apollo and with every hit gave him more strength. To defeat his brother who ultimately found him. Led Erebus to retreat, not having the ability to resurrect this disruption Apollo had made. The many glows could be seen from all places. Which revealed to Apollo a place to enjoy his time within the universe, dashing around these now called stars. Not having to worry about Erebus who hides within the dark night. Hoping that someone will meet him, to act as a welcoming brother. Hoping that they will show the same gratitude, as he did to someone who ultimately destroyed and ruined his way of life.

Friday 26 October 2018

How did it become

Under the darkness of time, Erebus found a brother, the creator of everything to do with exploding light. Feasting from the many unknown pure elements within the night. Apollo rose to meet his new welcoming brother. Throughout the galaxy was many available places for these to brothers to live. Erebus had designated a piece of darkness to which Apollo could happily live. Apollo was not fond of what there was to do. Apollo tried to call his brother on what there is to do. His brother didn't respond to any of the Apollo questions. This led Apollo to believe, that he had full control of his patch of the universe. Light became known for the first time within the universe.  Created by the dark times, Apollo had feasted on the elements of the universe. All fell into place by a magnitude of explosions. The orbiting glow of luminous light, attracted to each other, clumping together causing an array of attention to Erebus. Within seconds Erebus rose to attend what Apollo had created. The depths of the universe could be seen from the one place. Erebus was devastated on the creation of light. This led to a massive argument. Using these new orbiting lights, Apollo threw them at Erebus. Weakening with every

Not yet finished

Tuesday 23 October 2018

The six sentence story

Once upon a time sat Aron the spicules monster of doom fluff covered in scrub, blood, and hate. Perched within the bridge of ridge come valley, and the depth of sand sunk water to feast on the movement of everything above. With many of the lingering members of the community disguised by the actions and looks of this spicules monster. He find peace, devouring the forever coming neighbors, provide fluff covered doom the chance to enhance his power of evolution, slowly trying to make changes to his body, trying to impress the rest of the community. Feeling underestimated from having the backlash of the community. Aron builds an underwater haven to seclude him from the vicious member of the township, only to live by himself and enjoy the beauty of his very own body.

Friday 21 September 2018


Create object warning description.


Watch out for the many oversize feet, as it doesn't take as long to get kicked. But make sure you be careful of many undersized feet (1-5), as they can be quiet and sinister. These feet get you closer to friends, and away from the x. Word of warning doesn't let your feet ruin the rest of your body. Don't want crushed toes by the end of the day.


Warning: Don't be cooped up listening to the sound of the many clings, dongs, and rings of clocks. Grandfather clocks provide enjoyment, but also mesmerize you from the outside world. Don't be associated with time, you know you have at least 24 hours a day right. This

Alphabet story:

A bouncing child devoured enchiladas, fingerpicking glazed hotdogs identifying judgemental knickerbockers. Ludacris multitasking nanas overidentifying problems questions random street teenagers unemployed.

Monday 20 August 2018


Levers pivot on a fulcrum just like a seesaw.Image result for seesaw lever