
Friday 23 March 2018

Word vomit wk8

Candles broke the window by the wind from the ocean, which upset the dog which the made the loaf of bread cold. This made the family corrupted due to the ranting around the house. Because the kids woke up because of the dog.

Lo: Learning how to write silently.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Social studies human slavery songs

What is a work slave song? 
The slave would try to pass time through singing songs. And this would relieve stress. They would be up at sunrise and rest only at sundown. They would sing to keep an alert.These songs told stories of how they felt or what they wanted.

Explain the feeling you get when you listen to these songs?
I feel these songs show the talent that the people of these time have. It makes me feel sad, that the only way they are getting through this is for them to sing. But it shows how they all come together as a family to provide some enjoyment for them selfs. 

What kind of information about slavery did you learn from listening to these songs?
I learned the many cries they sing about, and the pain they go through. The songs tell us about what they had to do in the circumstances. Like picking cotton or tobacco. Where some would just sing to describe what they want. Like resting or escaping.  

What do you think they are talking about when they sing.
They are not dwelling on what they can't or aren't doing by singing. Which relieves stress and would have helped them through the pain. But they were singing about wanting rests and breaks. Or what they are doing. But singing what they wanted or doing helped them with stress.