
Wednesday 27 February 2019

Irobot movie reveiw

Throughout the last few lessons in English, our class has been watching the movie Irobot. This is a futuristic movie based around a universe of robots. These robots have to follow three laws which are.

  • A robot can't harm a human
  • A robot must follow all instruction of a human unless it conflicts with the first law 
  • A robot must protect its own exitance unless it conflicts with the other two laws
These laws are encrypted into the computers of the robots in the movie. But the plot of the movie is that the creator of these robots has died by an unknown source. But this is unusual because a robot can't harm a human. This unknown killer and the mysteries of a new harmful robot. Intrigued me as an audience, into wanting to know the story of the movie. Through which we find out that the creator of the robots, made a new law breaking robot. To hint the main character into realizing the damage the robots were about to cause.

Leading the protagonist, with hints and clues through this new robot. Provided us as an audience to think deeper into the movie. To uncover what would happen next. Replaying moments in my head to see if they match up with what was going on now. I thoroughly enjoy how the director has told this story, of compassion, and trust. Because we're growing into a world full of technology. Which each day are influencing us through social media, adds on television, and other peoples opinions. The movie tells us to keep vigilant, still, uphold the values that we are humans have and to care for the ones around us.

Overall the movie gave a good insight into the possibilities of the future, as humans grow in capability and ingenuity. But also tells us to upkeep the important values of human life.