
Thursday 26 October 2017

Climate change Is it your problem

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The topic that I have decided to pursue is based on climate change.
Is global climate change caused by humans?

Silent writing:
Argue Your side:

How can we understand climate change, when humans have been around for 200,000 years. But the earth we live on has provided for every living thing since the estimated life of this earth, 4.5 billion years old. We have identified earth stages in life. We have proven that this earth has gone through the ice age, volcanic eruptions, and land transformation. Is climate change the way mother nature is getting rid of us or are we killing her? It has been proven that creatures have gone extinct is it our turn.

I believe that the effect of the human race has ultimately led to a downfall in what some people call the earth's lifespan. Theories and examples of other planets have shown that the sun will die out. The sun will become dead leading to us becoming too cold, died out.I personally believe that climate change is bad. But due to this debacle, we should not be arguing through the eyes of politics and make a change.

Climate change is caused due to a layer in our atmosphere which is filled up with greenhouse gas emission. These examples are a few. Carbon, nitrogen, methane and water vapor. As the sun heats up the earth. The heat essentially pushes the heat back into the atmosphere. This radiates in a back and these gases push it back into the earth.

If you were a dinosaur that knew that you were going to die tomorrow due to the fact of an asteroid. Would you sit in politics arguing if it was good or not? It is the same with us. My idea of climate change is. It is not climate change itself but a tiny bit. It is the overview of the people on this earth Bickering. Let's join together work together. To stop climate change.

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