
Tuesday 15 May 2018

Stone age

What problems did people face in the stone age?
The ability to gather food efficiently, without a variety of tools and weapons. The ability to make a shelter.

What food did they eat?
Before the ability to use stone weapons to hunt, the man struggled to find food before bigger predators got to plants. Mans only accessible way of food was planted, vegetable, fruit.

What was used to hunt food?
Stones hence the name stone age.

What was difficult about using stones?
The ability to haul massive and  heavy rocks at predators and t
targets due to uncarved and unshaped stone.
What did they do about this problems?
Man chose to carve and form the many tools of that century. By forming tools from hitting rocks on rocks to carve tools.

What kind of tools were used?
ax and pick ax

What type of tools could they make when adding wood and stones together?
ax, pickax, knife, and hoe.

What is an ax and pick ax used for?
Chopping timber and digging and preparing the ground for farming.


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