
Wednesday 28 June 2017

Truby King - sost

What did I learn:
Truby was a person who definitely strived to help people. This was found to be shown in multiple areas of his life. But  he most known for his biggest help, and that I think he is most proud off. This is the starting and the organization of the plunket. Most known for helping parents of New Zealand in the early years of children born in NZ. Truby created books of all stages of life. Marriage, parents with babies and  alot more.
Truby went to university at Edinburgh studying medicine. This providing him with knowledge on helping New Zealand death rates in his time. Truby expensively helped many people past his time because of the organization plunket.

See if you can find a Plunket book belonging to you or someone else in your family. Explain how you could use it in an assignment.
Using information provided by somebody who you have never met before would always be able to put that into a document. This would show knowledge that his legacy has provided for his benefit of parents in New Zealand.

Explain where the name Plunket Society came from.
The name was found to named after the govenor general's wife. This was known to become plunket as after their patron lady plunket.

Discuss why the welfare of babies is so important to a country.
In this country we rely on the dairy industry. Which in this case provides the formula milk for babies in NZ. THen this provides babies with a healthy future providing for the economy.

2005 saw the first male plunket nurse;

Friday 23 June 2017


Today I made an advertisement. My add is on promoting people joining the army in ww2.

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Monday 19 June 2017

James Hector

Something I learned:
James was a scientist of Geologist. He was born in 1834. Back then the study of science had to be studied as a medical student. James in that time explored Canada and Otago. He was the only person person to named by the government the director of New Zealand geological survey.

Discuss what you would like named after you if you became as famous as James Hector:
MY name would have to consist of some sought of leadership. My name would have to based on my country in this case NZ. The perfect name for me I think in my opinion would be. The godfather of the starting of science in New zealand.

Explain the meaning of pioneer and acclimatise.
Pioneer is based on many things. This could be related to you were a pioneer of the path.
or the pioneer of anything really. This word means the path leader.
Acclimatise is the word means to become adjusted to a new climate.

From the photo Draw conclusion about James.

James seems like a person who normally would stay on task to finish any thing. His work had to be perfect and if not would strive for the best of the best.

Explain the meaning of echinoderms,mollusca and crustacea

Lab report Soil erosion in NZ

Is soil in New Zealand a problem?
Due to New Zealand rugged landscape, weather has shaped it for millions of years. Due to this we are able to see small kinds of erosion in forms rock falls, ocean erosion and the effects on mountains due to rivers and winds. This has been happening for millions for mountains cave and hills. Eventually we will be able to see more of a defined view of erosion. This could be a problem over a long period of time. It is amazing to see what nature can do to the environment.

Experiment 1:
Experiment 1 consisted on how much water you could get out of a milk bottle of dirt. We had to pour water onto it to make a muddy liquid. We had to set a timer for 2 minutes, to find out the water quantity that we could get in the time. This was found to be a lot due to the lack of plantation, giving an easy run for the water into the container. This can be found in NZ on hills and mountains due to dirt and with no plantation.

Experiment 2:
Experiment 2 evolved us to figure out the quantity of water we could get in leaves. We were able to figure out due to common sense that it would be same to experiment 1. This was correct as there were no plantation holding any of the dirt or leaves like glue. In conclusion water quantity was very high.

Experiment 3:
Experiment 3 was the exact same as experiment 1 and 2. We used grass in this case. Water quantity was very low due to the glue-like roots which kept soil in pace from water erosion. In conclusion we were able to find effects to water erosion to 3 different landforms.

Experiment 4:
Different types of erosion was an experiment based on types of erosion. This consisted of wind, ocean and river erosion. We each had one big bucket, this was filled with sand, dirt and rocks. Ocean erosion consists of erosion to cliffs near oceans. The whole point of this was to see what water would do to the hillside. We all considered that the hill would collapse due to the water flow. This is a problem to NZ, because we are a coastal country. Many people should be aware that tsunami and title waves are more likely to happen in the future.

Experiment 5:
This consisted of the effects on the water in rivers on mountain in NZ. We set off an experiment in a hill, with rocks like real life. Water was gently poured down the river. As of this most of the hill collapsed due to the lack of plantation. In conclusion river with no plantation are more likely to cause land slips.

Experiment 6:
Experiment 6 was an experiment on wind effects to mountains. Due to NZ landscape, wind is funneled through valleys concentrating wind pressure onto the sides of hills. Due to this NZ hills has been formed for millions of years. Our experiment caused us to blow on the hill with a straw. Once again due to our lack of plantation our hill collapsed.

New Zealand has a rugged landscape, New Zealand has to be found of lots of plantation. Due to the lack of forest in New Zealand because of people cutting them down. There will never be enough trees in the world. Our experiments have found that nature is fighting itself in land shape forms. All these types of erosion can do this to the environment due to the lack of plantation. To conclude the key to NZ environment protection is more trees in coastal areas. Even though it take millions of years to erode, we can start now.

Thursday 15 June 2017

bell work

Learning Outcome - we are learning to use vocabulary words in writing, and practise reading comprehension skills

Success Criteria - I am successful if I complete all of the tasks outlined below to the best of my ability
  • gradually: Is an adverb.To slowly degrade down or up. Gradually means that something is going on a steady pace. It gradually came to zero.
  • Abandon: Is a verb. The abandoned child shivered in the cold. Abandon means to give up.
  • Abrasive:Is an adjective. The man was abrasive when he hit the boy. This means the man has no feeling for others or this case the boy
  • Develop: Is a Verb. You need to develop your throwing skills in softball. This means you need to improve on something.
  • Expel: It is a verb. You got expelled from school. This means got kicked out of school.

The coach said to the 13 teen year old "develop  your throwing skills". He gradually improved but the sport was not right for him. He abandoned the sport. The coach was abrasive to the boy. The boy was so annoyed he threatened the coach at school the next day. He got expelled. 

The great Pacific Garbage Patch

On the surface:

1. The Pacific garbage patch is also known is the Pacific Trash vortex

2.  It has been proven that most ocean debris will reach the pacific Garbage patch in a year or less this is normally from south east Asia.

3. This is because it is miraculously hard to spot these peace of rubbish. From boat decks and air. Because they are small and large items are uncommon and will not be normally surfaced.

4. While rubbish is normally found in oceans, a similar patch of rubbish has been found in the Atlantic ocean.

5. Animals have been found to harmed,with digestions problems this can be found in sea turtles and monk seals.

6. As pollution builds up humans have been coming up with more items to get put in bins that end up in oceans. This is a huge amount of waste and it is unidentifiable to count every peace of plastic. 

Thursday 8 June 2017

Bell work

Today in English I listened to the song Why Does the Sun Really Shine? (The Sun is a Miasma of Incandescent Plasma). I also did a stuff daily quiz. I got 10 out of 15.

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Social studies

To day I read a passage on Pita Sharples in social studies.

What I learnt:

Pita is man of strengths in leadership and mana. He shows pride in his teacher's degree,his phd and being the co leader of the maori party. As well as other roles in parliament today. His beliefs are that maori are tangata whenua. This meaning the people of the land. He promotes maori speech and the rights of all maori. And this is done by relationships with the pakaiah.

Explain what inter tribal and urban Maori mean, and then explain the link between urban Maori and Hoani Waititi marae.

Inter tribal is the relationship between the maori tribes and land. This relates to the whole of Maori culture and the bond people have to keep the maori culture alive. This can be shown in Pitas life,his dreams to relate all maori together.

Urban in the other hand relates to the inter cities of New Zealand. This could be related to the connections of Maori and New Zealand settlers. This could be shown in parliament with the connection with the Maori party and other connected parties in the cabinet.

Restorative justice aims to put things right for victims of offence eg. by a meeting of victims with offenders. Give you opinion about this.

I reckon this is should be talked on the opion on the people that would have to talk. This could be a time in that persons life that they don't wan't to bring back up. And not to say that this won't work for everybody it just be seen as a time that they can't carry on with their life.

Friday 2 June 2017

Analysing advertisements

L&P stubbies add

What type of story is it?
This is a story about New Zealand men. It shows the versatility of an everyday men. Outdoors or in the city. You wear stubbies and drink L&p.

What does the action suggest about the product?
It is trying to prompt the everyday need for the outdoor stubbes and thee L&p that shows what you need at the end of the day of a hot day.

What dose the add suggest about the product?
That for everything you do you need to stay hydrated with L&P.

Who are the character selling the product?
The men of New Zealand.

Who are the key audience? 
The everyday New Zealander

How does the product entice the customer?
It sought of says that if you are a everyday person have an everyday drink L&P.

Can you think of another add with this story?
The L&P pool add.

Thursday 1 June 2017

Water in New Zealand

What is sustainability?
Sustainability is the looking of the resources.This could be related to water,fossil fuels and oil. But not all resources can last for ever.These are called non reusable. As of this most natural resources are part of key survival to humans and will be the big part of human survival. With the likes of global warming.
What is the current state of water quality in New Zealand?
Water is not just found to just be polluted,it is the creations of many factors.These facter can be located to the close reagens of a river or lake.These could be cow farming,tree leaves or the use of dirt and rocks coming from under the earth or high peak flowing mountain.As of the natural landscape of New Zealand most rivers and lake come from the mountain ranges of New Zealand. Most of these are fresh and some of these rivers are salt. Most state of waters in the Canterbury region are dairy famed,as of this the cows business have been pumped into


Today I read about nasa sun touching machine hope you enjoy bell work for to day 9mn.