
Thursday 15 June 2017

bell work

Learning Outcome - we are learning to use vocabulary words in writing, and practise reading comprehension skills

Success Criteria - I am successful if I complete all of the tasks outlined below to the best of my ability
  • gradually: Is an adverb.To slowly degrade down or up. Gradually means that something is going on a steady pace. It gradually came to zero.
  • Abandon: Is a verb. The abandoned child shivered in the cold. Abandon means to give up.
  • Abrasive:Is an adjective. The man was abrasive when he hit the boy. This means the man has no feeling for others or this case the boy
  • Develop: Is a Verb. You need to develop your throwing skills in softball. This means you need to improve on something.
  • Expel: It is a verb. You got expelled from school. This means got kicked out of school.

The coach said to the 13 teen year old "develop  your throwing skills". He gradually improved but the sport was not right for him. He abandoned the sport. The coach was abrasive to the boy. The boy was so annoyed he threatened the coach at school the next day. He got expelled. 

The great Pacific Garbage Patch

On the surface:

1. The Pacific garbage patch is also known is the Pacific Trash vortex

2.  It has been proven that most ocean debris will reach the pacific Garbage patch in a year or less this is normally from south east Asia.

3. This is because it is miraculously hard to spot these peace of rubbish. From boat decks and air. Because they are small and large items are uncommon and will not be normally surfaced.

4. While rubbish is normally found in oceans, a similar patch of rubbish has been found in the Atlantic ocean.

5. Animals have been found to harmed,with digestions problems this can be found in sea turtles and monk seals.

6. As pollution builds up humans have been coming up with more items to get put in bins that end up in oceans. This is a huge amount of waste and it is unidentifiable to count every peace of plastic. 

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