
Wednesday 28 June 2017

Truby King - sost

What did I learn:
Truby was a person who definitely strived to help people. This was found to be shown in multiple areas of his life. But  he most known for his biggest help, and that I think he is most proud off. This is the starting and the organization of the plunket. Most known for helping parents of New Zealand in the early years of children born in NZ. Truby created books of all stages of life. Marriage, parents with babies and  alot more.
Truby went to university at Edinburgh studying medicine. This providing him with knowledge on helping New Zealand death rates in his time. Truby expensively helped many people past his time because of the organization plunket.

See if you can find a Plunket book belonging to you or someone else in your family. Explain how you could use it in an assignment.
Using information provided by somebody who you have never met before would always be able to put that into a document. This would show knowledge that his legacy has provided for his benefit of parents in New Zealand.

Explain where the name Plunket Society came from.
The name was found to named after the govenor general's wife. This was known to become plunket as after their patron lady plunket.

Discuss why the welfare of babies is so important to a country.
In this country we rely on the dairy industry. Which in this case provides the formula milk for babies in NZ. THen this provides babies with a healthy future providing for the economy.

2005 saw the first male plunket nurse;

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