
Friday 27 July 2018

Novel studies

One advertisement for ‘Tomorrow, When The War Began’ states:

‘Hell isn’t only a place for the damned, sometimes it’s a place where the saved take refuse… Seven teenagers take a trip to Hell. And seven come back. To Hell’

  1. What could ‘Hell’ mean in this context? The hunger games.
  2. Why do you think the story is entitled ‘Tomorrow When the War Began’ To show that the characters are anticipating, and knowing what is upcoming to the near future.
  3. What does that make you think the book will be about?
    War, like hunger games.
  4. What do you think the characters will be like?
    A group fighting with each other against a bigger force.

Looking at the original cover to the right, answer the following questions, remember to explain why you think that for each answer:

  • How do you think this story will be written? In the context that the characters are writing, and telling the plot of what they are accomplishing. To knowing an anticipating whats happening.
  • Why do you think the story is titled as it is? To show that the plot has been anticipated for a period of time. To coincide with how the characters are going to resolve the plot.
  • Where do you think the story will take place? In hell, due to advertisements stating that seven friends make a trip to hell. To where I think that attitudes and beliefs will come back to them
  • What time period do you think the story is set in? Sometime between 1939 and 1945. Due to the cover showing a ww2 M2 browning 50cal machine gun.

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of first-person narration? When writing disadvantages of the first person can be very limiting. The reader can only see through the emotion and feeling of the one character. To where advantages can be the reader feels emotions and thoughts through an overview of characters.
  2. Why do you think Ellie needs to tell the story in chronological order? To show that many of the events accumulate to where they become steps to a main event in the story.
  3. Pick one interesting word from the chapter, find its meaning, and explain why it is interesting. Humorous, this word means to show or provide laughter. This word was interesting to me due to the fact that I don't use this word often in my writing.
  4. John Marsden foreshadows several events and characters in this chapter. Make three predictions based on the evidence in the text about what may occur later in the story.
  5. What kind of story do you think Ellie is going to tell? Uses evidence from the text to support your answers. An adventurous story of their trip to hell.

  1. Why does Robyn think they are the only people ever to have gone into Hell? Because no one knows whether if anyone been there or if anyone bothered.
  2. Why do you think the valley is called Hell? Becuase saitens steps were in a valley. To where they called it hell.
  3. Why must the teenagers seem like visitors from hell to the wild things living in the clearing? I feel that they must think that they are disruptive people. Like people who might live in hell.
  4. What picture of Kevin do we get in this chapter? That he has bad habits, that have stuck with him, who you can never get him out of them.
  5. At times Ellie switches her narration from retelling the story to commenting about her life in the present - why do you think the author has chosen to write in this style? To show that her story can relate to the present, from first-person narration.

  1. Do you think the way they handled the snake incident was appropriate? No, I feel that them standing around the bag was daungorus.
  2. Ellie claims that ‘Hell’ is only a label and that people label things all the time, often ignoring or overlooking certain labeled places or things. She then comes to the conclusion that ‘Hell was people’. Is she right? What’s your opinion, on labeling and Hell?
    I belive that she has a point in some situation. Becuase people do label people, clothing and wealth. But hell being labeld is up to your desion in your belif.
  3. What was especially peculiar about the planes that flew over Hell? ‘Their ------, their ------, their----- frightened me.’ Do these characteristics have any significance? Many of these planes were flying stealth. Where they were flying suspiusoly low. For planes flying in dosens.
  4. Corrie and Kevin are the only couples in the group, but the trip was bound to bring friends closer. So why does Homer’s interest in Fi seem so odd to Ellie? To where Ellie could be jelous or fancy Homer.
  5. Fi brushes off the planes coming back from Commemoration Day. Why do you think the planes were flying over Wirrawee? Because it was at an easy target to where the enemy know their will be a gatherin of alot of people.
  6. Robyn claims there were dozens and dozens of planes flying over them. What is Lee’s response? Is his suggestion resonable? Lees response is that this could be the start of ww3. Creating a world full of posibiltys, which could come from diffrent scinarios around the world. I feel that to say it could be WW3, is quite unresnible to the fact that they were, disingadged from the world. For a period of time.

  1. What does Corrie’s choice in career say about her character? That when countrys, people have given to her, she wants to give back to them. In situations that she is ensuded about, and what they need most in their country like nurses in Affrica.
  2. The group’s ability to avoid arguing with each other is rare- do you think that there would have been more drama if you and your friends went bush for a week? Yes I defintly feel that their would be arguing very occasionally. To where we would argue about our idears. We would not back down. This would creat a camp, that would be quite technical. And the argueing would be for the best.
  3. Why do you think Ellie and Lee feel uneasy just before their return to Wirrawee from the Bush? Becuase they've experience a great time on a trip with their friends. To where their has not been the influence of the outside world demanding where their steps and paths should go.
  4. What do you predict will await the group back home, why do you think this? An unexpectided twist of distater and to where a plot will need to uncoverded or solvded by the group and indivduals.

  1. What is the first sign that something is wrong at Ellie’s house? When arrivieng at Ellie's house, the group come across an eventfull sight. To see all animals on their property dead. Could've been an army, or a personal attact.
  2. Who is the first person to really realise what is happening?
    Corrie seems to be investergating her way, through the many hallways and rooms. She knows some thing is up, and is useing her inititave to keep every one safe.
  3. What is Ellie’s reaction to this person’s caution? Why do you think she reacts this way?
  4. If you were in this situation, would you test the radio or not? Give reasons for your thinking. Yes, haveing the ability to see in the outside world if anbody was their can be quite vital information. It could prove if their is a war, famine or world wide crisis. I feel that haveing that information that if any body is out their, could come in handy.
  5. Do you think the way the teenagers reacted to the realisation that Australia may have been invaded or at war was realistic? Why/why not. Yes I feel they knew the realisation that war could have made it to their home town, but didn't ponder on their minds when dessions had to be made for their own life, and familys problems.
  6. What possible reasons exist that could spark war or invasion of Australia? Possible invassion reason could of come from Austrailas conections to, being close to Asia and Indoneisa. Aussies vast landscape, great for a base camp and no one knowing. Their gold and inferstuctior, or their military.

  1. Which people in the group are starting to stand out as leaders, is this surprising? I feel that Corrie is becomeing some who is leading the team. She is having more of an opion on the groups dessions and the deciding of where to go.

  2. Do you think that taking Kevin’s dog Flip to Corries house was a mistake? Explain your thoughts.
  3. What does Lee mean when he says ‘we might have to make some ugly choices?’
  4. How is Ellie’s image of Kevin changing in this chapter?
  5. Is the decision to split into smaller groups a wise one? Give reasons
  6. Why is it that Elli’s group decides to act ‘illogically’ and survey the Showgrounds together?
  7. Why does the idea of a female soldier surprise Ellie?
  8. If your parents were captured in a situation like this, would they have been ‘sensible’, or would there have been violence?
  9. How is Ellie ‘transformed’ once she steps out from behind a tree near the


  1. Ellie and Kevin’s quick-thinking allowed them to turn a ride-on lawnmower

       into a bomb. Was this moral behaviour? Did they do the right thing, or
       should they have surrendered themselves?
  1. Predict what you think has happened to Lee and Robyn.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Anaru, thank you for including the question and your answer, it makes it easier for your blog visitors to know what you are talking about. How are you finding the book? I am having trouble working out where you are in the work... could you include the chapter numbers please.


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