
Monday 29 May 2017

Jessie Mackay sost

To day I read a passage on the famous New Zealander called Jessie Mackay.

Some thing I learnt:
Jessie Mackay was a typical kiwi farm daughter. She was on a farm in rangiora just above christchurch canterbury. She was homeschooled until the age of thirteen. Jessie was trained in teaching in christchurch. Because of an illness the love of teaching was for given and she became an editor and writer of the canterbury times. Jessie was a key fundamental of new zealand writing and poetry. She normally wrote about the social wellbeing of the maori wellbeing.

Describe how poetry and journalism can help create a sense of national identity?
With out the knowledge of outer limit of your community brings a preparation of your life's day. This could be shown in how you treat people because some one else got hurt. It also brings people together talking about the news.

Find two pieces of evidence that show Jessie was well known in New Zealand before she died. 
Jessie was popular because she got an award that is named after her. This award is called Jessie Mackay memorial prize for verse. her books can still be found on the internet.

Explain how Jessie's name is still kept alive in New Zealand?
New Zealand provides a free schooling system that provides a knowledge for kiwi kids. It means in a subject like social studies we can learn about New Zealand.

Quote the words Jessie used about early New Zealand poets?"We plowed a lonely furrow". Demonstration of appreciation.

 Image result for jessie mackay

Friday 26 May 2017

Business and enterprise drama selling elixir

We had the task to create an imaginary drink.This drink had to be sold to a cafe and the health board for our school so that we could sell at our tuck shop.

My drink is could juice to you.As of this we know had to come up with a way that we can promote our new imaginary product. So Jucie to you is a product that you can put in to a bottle,of course you could put any juice into a bottle.But what is so cool about my product is that the juice is not sticky. This is because of the low sugar,high flavor. I would be keen to relate my products with partnering businesses. As of these company promote their products to be healthy. I would convince the people of healthy eating companys to play a part in the ads.

The respect of the customer plays a part of the ads.This is because my add promotes the full respect of the customer. I state the fact of healthy eating with my background support.I state respect in the ways of prompting of the consumers health. This states why this product is seven dollars.Because it is made from biodegradable plastic.High calories in minerals,made from real juices. With natural rain water from samaleae.
All ingredients are sourced from fairtrade producer.

The consumer is guaranteed to show healthy progress in a consumer generated product.

Monday 22 May 2017

English bellwork

To day in english we had the task to read what we want. As I am fascinated about the military history. I got a history illustration factual book on world war one. I read up to the first 14 pages.These first pages are the origins of the allied and central powers. These show the plans the each of these countries plans. Most of the countries that were in alliances,were normally planning their own war plans. The outbreaks of war came from the troubles of most central european countries. Two assassinations were supposed to be the start of ww1. But these were not the origins of the ww.  The assassination of the Austria-Hungary leader Franz Ferdinand. As the starts of the war declarations had started in the early months of 1914 allied plans and central plans were all starting to begin. Image result for map of ww1 europe people leaders

Thursday 18 May 2017

science alive

Acid Alive
Aim: To put out a tealite candle using carbon dioxide ( CO2)
  • Splint 
  • Tealite candle 
  • 100 ml beaker 
  • Damp paper towel 
  • Safety glasses
  • Ice cream container 
  • Calcium carbonate 
  • sulfuric Acid 
  • lighter
  • mixing stick
  • We set up the damp paper towel in the ice cream container with the candle set on it 
  • In our 100 ml beaker,we added the Calcium carbonate with the sulfuric acid 
  • we lit our candle 
  • Using the candle we lit our splint
  • The calcium carbonate and the sulfuric acid,created the co2 which is a gas
  • Using the co2 we had the mission to put out a flame
  • Using the co2 we cut the oxygen from the fire their for putting out the fire
  • We then cleaned up the experiment


To conclude this experiment we know are going to prove how the experiment works. Parshley we used the tea lite candle to lite our candle. But to conclude why we used the candle was to prove the element of co2 

Maui and the fish Te Ika-a-Maui

Image result for maui and the fishv

As of to day in social studies we read the story of maui and the fish.
Maui was a great leader of the people of Hawiki. He fled with his brothers to gather the fish for the people what would bring more relief,than food. Maui was believed to hide in the waka of the brothers boat,ready to come fishing with the brothers. this is because they did not let maui come with them in past time. To prove his strength, Maui  took the jaw bone of his grandmother. He cast his hook into the water pulling up the all mighty fish Te Ika-a 
maui . Because of this Maui and his brothers become the waka of the south island. As of this chief of New Zealand tell this stories to others. To show the great relief we have of living in this country Aotearoa.
This story show the culture of our country. Because it show the unique bond that maoris have with each other. Being able to pass these unique story through generation to generation. I enjoyed this story because it give another prospective on how people see the world. Because we all know that this is a myth,but it also shows how good maori were good at telling stories. But a negative is, that as ancestries are slow dieing away. This is losing the heritage of people telling the stories to one another. As of this the legend will not be the same as more and more technology will tell these stories,not like the past. 

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Social studies moko design

Today in social studie we had the task of finishing our moko homework. As of this we have been learning of the moko and how the maori use it to show their tribe and their mana. I have learnt in social studies that maori would spend hours and hours using a method that was painful experience. This was could tohunga ta moko. The method would concluded of a burnt piece of wood stuck to a stick. As of this the burnt piece of wood the charcoal die would be embedded to the chief or person undertaking this producer. As of these moko that lots of people have,they are all unique and their are none the same. Each of us have learnt the different meaning of the the different place the moko is positioned.

This is my moko. This is a moko on a woman because the moko is on the chin. This position can only be placed on the chin for a woman. The chin shows the mana of a person also meaning pride and respect. In the middle are two koro this show the strength she has with others. The otter koros shows the protection she has with others. To move on to the outside the little koros mean her children and the up bring of them. That wh they point upwards. And finally the lines connect her with all her relation

Monday 15 May 2017

Science AAAlive

I want to investigate how to dilute a solution.

Test rack 
6x Test tubes
paper towel
10m measuring cylinder
Potassium permanganate 


  • We set up the equipment
  • We filled one test tube with 10 mls of water
  • The rest we filled with 9 mls of water
  • We then filled the test tube that had 10 mls of water with Potassium permanganate
  • We then started the dilution process slowly adding a ml of water from one to the other turning form a concentrated Potassium permanganate to a dilute

As of this the results concluded of product shown in the color of our results. Showing us the method of diluting a solute. Which is in this case would be Potassium  permanganate. And for this the results in the picture shows the colour.


We used a method that created a experiment showing us the key of diluting. As of this we were able to show how the method was correct. As of this our solute was potassium permanganate.
We have shown that our aim was prove and the experiment was a success      

Thursday 11 May 2017

English today

Today in english we had another chance to read or write according to what you wanted to do. I decided that I would have a look on stuff. I was reading a story on Steve Askin. He sadly died in a helicopter crash on the port hill trying to save other peoples home in the port hills fire. As of this investigation have been in procedure and video cameras in the helicopter proved that a mayday call was made. Then this was proved that the empty monsoon bucket was flung up hitting the tail rotor blade. This caused the gyro stabilizer off causing the helicopter to decent and rotate till it crashed.Steve Askin was an accomplished helicopter pilot.

R.I.P Steve Askin 

Wednesday 10 May 2017


Today in English I was reading a truck magazine. In this Magazine was all soughts of interesting facts. I fact I found out of this book was that carrying parts for a wind turbine was that the turbine blade was the whole length truck. As of this the trailer needs independent steering. This is so the turbine stays parallel well the trailer moves indepentent.

Friday 5 May 2017

My audition task

Who am I?
Faith: A annoyed MC Donald's worker (chief)

What do I look like?  My age?  Gender?
Fat greasy hairnet chief in white stinky cloths,male,45
What do I believe in? Like? Dislike?  What do I do for fun?
Manners,not food,hard working,tramps a lot

What time is it? Afternoon, morning, evening? What century? Is it summer? Winter?
It is about two thirty. It is summer because it is really hot in the kitchen.
Where am I?
Mcdonald's in the back room cooking in the kitchen

What surrounds me?

Greasy oil spitting everywhere, customers in the kitchen yelling
The environment: furniture, colours, smells, textures, sounds, etc.
sizzling,grease cooker

What are my relationships? Who are my family? My friends? My teachers? My enemies?

He has about six kids and an old mum. And has about five enemy customers.

 Ma'am, I replaced the first burger free cause it "didn't taste right" to you. And the second burger cause you said it wasn't cooked enough. Now you're telling me that this burger is burnt?! You have got to be kidding me. Where do you think you are. This is McDonald's! We ain't serving no sirloin steak! $5.25 an hour and I gotta put up with the likes of you. I'll tell you what. Why don't you come back here, take my greasy apron and my stupid hat, and stand back here in 128 degree temperature and cook your own burger til you're satisfied. Oh, and hey, don't forgot you gotta smile nice for all the customers while you're sweating to death and the French Fry boys are whispering perverted jokes!! No? Doesn't sound like a good old time to you? Well then, I highly suggest you take that burger back to your little table, eat it, and think about how lucky you are that I didn't smush an apple pie in your face. Have I made myself clear? Thank you. Have a nice day.


Thursday 4 May 2017

Science Water filtering

Aim: To create a safe way to clean and drink water in a survival situation 

I believe that we can create the safest possible method to filter filthy water to drinkable water.   


  • Contaminated Water
  • x2 Funnels
  • Stand
  • x2 Clamps
  • Pebbles
  • Sand
  • Cotton
  • Charcoal
  • Paper Towel.
  • Bunsen Burner
  • Filter Paper
  • Bunsen Burner Gas Hose 

  1. Identify all necessary equipment in this case we had done this
  2. We set up the equipment. Stand,on the stand we put two clamps,in those clamps we put funnels,in the first funnel we added cotten and pebbles in the bottom funnels was cotton and sand.
  3. After this stage we added the next equipment to the funnels
  4. This included in the top funnel cotton and charcoal in the bottom was filter paper. 
  5. We finished the experiment with boiling the water.


The result were positive to the aim and hypotheses. We ended with a result that gave us a drinkable liquid in a survival situation.


With the equipment set up the first stage was controlled perfectly. We had a positive situation which partly filtered water.This was the result of all stages doing their job. Pebbles rippled the water which left all silk at the top.

Using the sand all micro minerals had dissolved and this gave us a partly filtered water.

We put charcoal in the top filter this did not work as well as the pebbles. Because the water went around the charcoal.
We had filter paper in the bottom filter this gave a finishing touch on filtering water because it did the best in filtering.

Boiling the water made all micro organisms to die giving a drinkable liquid. 


The experiment was no avoid but gave us a clean result. As of this we know have the skills to survive in the bush.This has demonstrated the fundamentals of mixing and separating. As of this it is shown in our results that we had a positive experiment.

Cartoon strip

Maui the great leader

What kind of leader was maui?
Image result for maui maori godImage result for maui maori god

  • Maui was well known in communicating
  • Farless
  • Was devoted to his tribe
  • Brave leader
  • Great leader
  • Arrogant with big Aspirations
  • He is vain
  • Strong leader
  • Brave leader
  • Selfish
  • Courageous
  • Only thought of himself

Maui and the sun social stud

To day in social studies we were tasked for fifteen minutes to read the story Maui and the sun.

This is a story of a Maori legend. Maui is the main character. He and his people in his village how the sun would go up and stay up for a very short time. Tama nui te Ra is the sun. The whole story is based in over coming your strengths and bring peace.

What you thought of the story?

This story shows the key values of being committed and believing in your self.

Explain why you think that?

As of this Maui need these sought of values because he would not of been able to complete his task.

Can you relate to any characters?

No because I have not lifted a sun but I can relate to showing values in life because you need to respect people,show commitment in my work and deduction to school.

Image result for maui and the sun