
Wednesday 22 November 2017


The time has come. In PBL to finalize our action plans. To write on paper our plan of attack.
Here is a rundown of the plan of attack.

Thursday 16 November 2017

Project base learning

This term, since this week the cohort of year nine and ten. Are working on the wellbeing and the better of the community. Focusing on a positive impact on a community. This is called for Hornby project-based learning. An opportunity for the teenagers of Hornby to give back to the community. Our project is based on water pollution.
Our group consists of Jessie, Hillary, John and me Anaru. We as a group are called the Unidentified Beauty. Which represents the beauty hidden through pollution and overgrown bush. We've been working on Monday this week. And through the course of this time, we have been doing checkpoints. Which is all based on our problem we would like to solve. Trying to get an understanding of research on water pollution. In this, we had to identify the issue, the problems and who was affected.
With our pond, common problems are the build-up of bacteria from the build-up of tree leaves and bushes. Due to the fact of the lack of free-flowing water. We're going to clean up the rubbish and try to get an understanding of the pollution from water watch. So we can try to set a way to circulate the water. To keep it free-flowing.

Thursday 26 October 2017

Climate change Is it your problem

Select your topic 5min

The topic that I have decided to pursue is based on climate change.
Is global climate change caused by humans?

Silent writing:
Argue Your side:

How can we understand climate change, when humans have been around for 200,000 years. But the earth we live on has provided for every living thing since the estimated life of this earth, 4.5 billion years old. We have identified earth stages in life. We have proven that this earth has gone through the ice age, volcanic eruptions, and land transformation. Is climate change the way mother nature is getting rid of us or are we killing her? It has been proven that creatures have gone extinct is it our turn.

I believe that the effect of the human race has ultimately led to a downfall in what some people call the earth's lifespan. Theories and examples of other planets have shown that the sun will die out. The sun will become dead leading to us becoming too cold, died out.I personally believe that climate change is bad. But due to this debacle, we should not be arguing through the eyes of politics and make a change.

Climate change is caused due to a layer in our atmosphere which is filled up with greenhouse gas emission. These examples are a few. Carbon, nitrogen, methane and water vapor. As the sun heats up the earth. The heat essentially pushes the heat back into the atmosphere. This radiates in a back and these gases push it back into the earth.

If you were a dinosaur that knew that you were going to die tomorrow due to the fact of an asteroid. Would you sit in politics arguing if it was good or not? It is the same with us. My idea of climate change is. It is not climate change itself but a tiny bit. It is the overview of the people on this earth Bickering. Let's join together work together. To stop climate change.

Thursday 28 September 2017



What is our life worth liviing for when alli'm doing is waiting. I'm an amusment of what you havee to look forward to. But everything is dying with exqurtiating pain. On the life I used to live. We come from a world that was preasures to us. We depentid on the nurtiness that it provided us and the social wellbeing of each other as we saw humans everyday. Kids were brought up of nurture and love. And know they are cared through a robot and a inciubaitor that lets them sleeep for a long time. You distroided it. But what I'm doing brings hope. I write to my self everyday. Dear Alice, the pain you were brought up with has tought you the lesson of love. Though this may sound wird now you will understand. Tourcher was brought into your life and the people of this earth. But it's your misson to be the care of them all. The nuts on the window remind us of the eginering. The love in our hearts remind us of home. But our eyes let us seek into the future. What we depend on is each other. And how we care is love. We need to understand the risks and the benifts, because it's going to lead to few pwople who finds us a new salvstion a world of care and nurture. And not a window of space. It could be you Alice.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Home Economics$

Today we're have done a task on vitamins. But the task was based on plants,vegetables and fruits.
Video Of Thing


Vitamin A: Prevents infection,is found in yellow & Green vedges
Vitamin D: Helps absorbs Calcium and is sunshine 
Vitamin B: Healthy skin, leafy green vedges
Vitamin C: Helps with immune systems, Citrus fruit,kiwi fruit,strawberries,,green veggies,sliverbeat, Tomatoes.

3. lettece 

Thursday 21 September 2017

Argumentative/Persuasive Writing

English 21.9.17
Are we on technology too much. Is it always in our hands. When thinking about it, it is to much. Thinking about it now your looking at technology.  Everybody wants to believe that they don't use technology so much, but you are. I can tell you right now that I use technology to much. But it is the way technology is getting produced to everyone not what it is. Due to the fact that technology is pushing us to process what is good about it what not is bad. But when somebody tells us numbers about technology, this does not matter to a lot of people. For a fact, a scientist may say thirty percent  of the population have an xbox. But what's that going to say. I'm obsessed with what is produced in front of me. Because of the fact that I need to use this everyday. That what I do at school with the resources that I use are mine I can take home. For instance Youtube, I use it at school but when I get home it can be used for my hobbies of enjoyment of what I like to do is watch planes. What I'm trying to say is, we need to look back at where the elders of this world came from. And the point that they are trying to promote to the people of this earth, which coincides with everybody. We can promote idears but action needs to take place. As some would say, a person will grow something because of a habit. SO to look at somebody who is lonely to technology we can connect it to their habits. If somebody comes home  and puts their bag away, then they have built a habit to do that. The same with technology, if you come home and watch t.v then thats a habit. So to everybody of the oldest generations and to us the young ones. Identify your habit. Conect this back to how long you've done it and theirs your problem. So the

Science Topic Astronomy


For the rest of the term we are looking into astronomy. This involves us looking closely about where we stand in the universe. I'm really interested in this, and can't wait to produce good quality of work.

Our frist task is to show our place in the universe, to you guys.

No body knows how big the universe is,but through the eyes of how our earth relates to the othe planets around us we can estamte some size comparison to how bug or how infinity plays a role in our universe.
I'm really excited to share this topic with you guys.

And P.S Just befor you read,keep in mind that we're taking information from our galaxy. And that what is said, some off it is theory on creation. But it's up to you to chose.

Image result for earth compared to other planets        Courtesy of
Here is a estimate guest on the size of earth compared to other planets. This show how we are place in the solar system. But standing on jupiter would be really impressive.

Thursday 14 September 2017

Creative Writing

Creative and descriptive writing. 357 words

When we are so engaged in something how do we know it is real. When something is infinitely detailed, all you can do is stare. You are always wondering, to mater what you are doing we are always wondering. Whether for you it becomes a step out side. The leap of a cliff or the movement of your brain. We are a thought processing intelligence. You need to accept that. What ever you do always remember you doing it for a purpose. Your mind thinks about the decision that happens. When you sit and stare, when you stop to think or when all you can do is smile. We all need to remember that the good things in life are to enjoy. And I know that we all are going to have a bad moment. When you think about these bad moments you need to know that it worth living for. Because it is going to be completely different in two day, three months or 4 years. Imagine something ruling your life time. Because what is being expressed right now is the possibility for change. The never ever lasting moment of astonishment. The unexpectedness of thinking and the ability to understand a cable force of power and drive. What we think dose matter. Who we are. And how we are. Makes us unique. Our lives are changing. We are thinking on different levels which gives us the upper edge on what we call life. We could just sit in the seat being engaged, of the work of somebody else. But the challenge is to promote your self to take engagement of everything. To be a thinking process and act on the ability of knowledge of what have, who we are and the knowledge of the future. One finger of a man could change the world, one finger of a robot could build your life. It's up to you to chose. To engage on what you think is right. You are as capable as information processor. And you have the ability to act on the walkers of the past. We all are capable we need to remember this.

Evidence for Evolution

Today we are learning the understanding of theories and investigations provided on evolution. THis will be shown by scientist of the 19 century. Information is gathered from and the studies of Charles Darwin and other leading scientist of the period.

1. How do paleontologists learn about evolution?
Through the understanding of the geology of earth layers. This leads to the adaptation of features grown  to adapt into the environment which they have to apply to. We can understand this through fossil. These Horses have adapted to the environment.

2. Describe what fossils reveal about the evolution of the horse.
Through the positioning of fossil discovery. We can tell   

Friday 8 September 2017

Thursday 7 September 2017

Bell work

Light only light. All we see is light. How to adapt to light? Is this a question or is it a statement. Have you adapted to light. What about color you can't see color or can you? How do you know this is true from all that you know you've seen light. Is it the color of your skin that has led you to what you believe about color. The sky at the break of dawn. The moon in the night. You're not in space, how do we know this? w]Well you tell me. Black or light white. Dark or shine, What is your line. Are we a color or a thing? Do you know the light through the pain of glass. Can you see this. Is it light. You tell your own story. We can all prove what we want with evidence we can provide. Is it light only light. I would like to challenge your thinking on your way of life. The break of the waves with your eyes. The blue on the sky to the sea to your eyes. Punch the sand. Is is color or light. Solid or not. This is were you prove your opinion. Its up to you to make the difference. Light or color. It should matter to you, what you think about know could help you later in life. The song that you sang, the equation you solved or the sport that you play. Challenge you thinking. Dose it relate to color or light.

Science of evolution activity on animals of the past

Today's lesson involves us to show an example what would happen in the future of an animal. To a climate change.

I have a mouse, which is a bit hard with my climate zone change.

My mouse decides to live  to breed for millions of years and breeds in a different  climate zone.
My mouse has enjoyed living in burrows the land has evolved into rocky land surface and it can't live with its children. All this might hapen. An we have 5to rember changes hapen due to the enviroment. Not that they wanted to.

Next Million of years:
The mouse has bred many babies that can not live in this habat know. It decides how it can live in the wild. It has cope with living in areas of rock. So it decides to camouflages its fur. This can be changed to different shades giving full benefits to all different types of rocks. This will bring predators to think its a rock. The mouse's tail evolves into a support rigged system. So that it can support the climbing and crossing of rocks. Its clawed feet have become more jagered for climbing and clinging to rocks.

Thursday 31 August 2017

English Similes and metaphors in songs.


similes: Red

We are focusing on similes and metaphors. We are given the task of trying to find songs that we can find the in the lyrics.

Image result for similes in songs

Song title: Life is a highway artist:Tom Cochrane
Life is a highway is a metaphor because, you are comparing life to a highway which is not literally.

Acdc: Back in black

Back in black
I hit the sack
I've been too long I'm glad to be back
Yes, I'm let loose
From the noose
That's kept me hanging about
I've been looking at the sky
'Cause it's gettin' me high
Forget the hearse 'cause I never die
I got nine lives
Cat's eyes

Abusin' every one of them and running wild
'Cause I'm back
Yes, I'm back
Well, I'm back
Yes, I'm back
Well, I'm back, back
Well, I'm back in black
Yes, I'm back in black
Back in the back
Of a Cadillac
Number one with a bullet, I'm a power pack
Yes, I'm in a bang
With a gang
They've got to catch me if they want me to hang
'Cause I'm back on the track
And I'm beatin' the flack
Nobody's gonna get me on another rap
So look at me now
I'm just makin' my play
Don't try to push your luck, just get out of my way
'Cause I'm back
Yes, I'm back
Well, I'm back
Yes, I'm back
Well, I'm back, back
Well, I'm back in black
Yes, I'm back in black
Well, I'm back, yes I'm back
Well, I'm back, yes I'm back
Well, I'm back, back
Well I'm back in black
Yes I'm back in black
Ho yeah
Oh yeah
Yes I am
Oh yeah, yeah oh yeah
Back in now
Well I'm back, I'm back
Back, (I'm back)
Back, (I'm back)
Back, (I'm back)
Back, (I'm back)
Back in black
Yes I'm back in black
Out of the sight
Acdc: Thunder struck

Thunder, thunder, thunder, thunder
I was caught
In the middle of a railroad track
I looked round
And I knew there was no turning back
My mind raced
And I thought what could I do
And I knew
There was no help, no help from you
Sound of the drums
Beating in my heart

The thunder of guns
Tore me apart
You've been
Rode down the highway
Broke the limit, we hit the town
Went through to Texas, yeah Texas, and we had some fun
We met some girls
Some dancers who gave a good time
Broke all the rules
Played all the fools
Yeah yeah they, they, they blew our minds
And I was shaking at the knees
Could I come again please
Yeah them ladies were too kind
You've been
I was shaking at the knees
Could I come again please
Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck
It's alright, we're doin' fine
It's alright, we're doin' fine, fine, fine
Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah
Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, baby, baby
Thunderstruck, you've been Thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, Thunderstruck
You've been Thunderstruck

Richard Wagner - Ride Of The Valkyries

No similes or metaphors

Short story english

Into the dark of the night. The creeping sound loomed over the pale old man's face. Into the scapha of the ear. The looming sound of the imaginary gun shots loomed, like ww2. This brought the past back into reality. The dreams seeped into the vision of the front of the face. But the wrinkled skin was covering the closed eyes. The periscope of the m4 sherman bared right in front. The dream almost acting like reality. The thought of looking, seeing germans dead on the ground. Or about to be killed. I look into this periscope. With one eye closed, I look. For some reason I can't see. What was it, that I saw. I thought it was blood the seeping,dripping of blood. But no it was condensation.

The pankik sets in, the excrounitly painful pain. In my right leg. I feel weak and drowsy. The tank hits a bump. The metal steel armor was so close to my arm it hurts like hell. The annoying thing thing was it was a livving hell. I could not coap. The tank commander yell. What the heck just happened. I was so terrified in the driving compartment I could not say anything. The commander say it a gain and a gain. I had to defy the commander, it was just so hard to cope. I could not move opening the hatch would get my head blown off. I was trapped.                  

I could not coap. It was so intimidating. The battle was still going, but not just on the ground. Spitfires were trying to protect the airspace but me109,battling it out. It was scary like hell. Next I see a me109 crash right in front of us. The pilot on fire running around. Next thing I wake up,the immense shadow of this me109 on the ceiling. I could not bare it. The flashback to though to coap. My grandson is so obsessed with military aircraft of the ww2. That I just wished I could destroy those models. But that would ruin is dream. I hope he would push to recognise the old ones of his past. The ones that fought for him for the next day.

That's alright now I wish I could teach him so much. He would listen so hard and will comfort me when I remember. But I can't now I never got to meet him.


Well I was away on monday a couple of weeks ago. John,Marrino and Danne made a tullgren funnel. This involves a film canister at the end of a coke bottle. With black card around the outside. With a lamp,the dirt got baked. Supposedly insects would crawl down due to the light. Getting caught into the film canister filled with water and dish wash liquid. Here are some photos from Chloe and Rachel's


Wednesday 30 August 2017

Art 30.8.17

Today we learned:

The style of composition.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Blog research page for art on the two styles of Art Nouveau and Kowhaiwhai

Art nouveau
The up coming of the early 20th century:the industrial error,brought the ending for a international philosophy and a common decorative art form. Art Nouveau. Art Nouveau represented architecture of a very popular period of time, this was seen in the 1890 to very late 1910. In the peak time of Art Nouveau, was pronounced in french  ​[aʁ nuvo]. As it became so popular the architecture,philosophy decorative art. Could be seen all Europe and very brief America.  

Art Nouveau provided an architecture theme,which can relate to the 21st century as modern. Art nouveau provided this theme for the out

Creative writing english 24.8.17

How can we enjoy what we have learned today,when in fact the knowledge has been brought through the care of others? what is life softer than the skin of a baby, but is it broader and rougher that the skin of our olders? What is your opinion for somebody that is so fragile. Would you identify them has something in a box, but the tape says fragile. Or could you say that they are somebody of care and nurture. In life are we searching for the smooth times in life. Or are we trying to look for the rough times. How could this balance us out as  humans. We have to feel for the easy riders. But give care to the people of nurture as they grow old we live young through the past of their knowledge. Which ultimately gives us the joy in our lives. We all are here but what is your life living for. Your own smooth hand or the brittle fragile love of our olders. What are you living for. What is the past that helps you live now,right here in the present. It's people it's people it is people.

Thursday 17 August 2017

Creative story card English 17.8.17

Begurt begurt, as we identified a motion of dripping. The poking, the learning of what could be identified,as our own drinking fountain. It was hard to tell what it was,we're a bit confused to what to understand. we've been shoved with brutal force, which the pain was never felt before. The flash of what we could understand was a person yelling, was  crushingly weird. They think we're dumb or what. We're already in here for you and how are we supposed to know. The tingling touch of the humans, tells the leader we are dumb. The time is to move. We tell them that we don't need a drink. Our water drinking thing has been found somewhere else. So why are we standing on our own crap, what they think, we think is completely different. The jumping, the panicking and the begurt, all made us do something. begurtttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Thursday 10 August 2017

Science progress report


Group identification of creature identification.

1. They are all arthropod
2. More than six legs
3. They all have a shell
4. They are invertebrate
5. All have Jointed appendages
6. They all have an exoskeleton
7. All have more than six legs
8. Have one line of symmetry
9. Segmented bodies

Short description:
Arthropods come under the family of the phylum arthropods. Arthropods are segmented bodies. They are also an invertebrate and have an exoskeleton. In phylum arthropods this includes arachnid, insect, and crustacean. Insects are a small version of an arthropod's instead of having
Image result for phylum arthropoda family tree


What is stylisation in art my description.
I feel that everything needs to be critique. This could be seen as determining the purpose that you are thinking about in art. Which could been seen as stylizing a practical that could be made entirely with you wanting to do or it could be made by you accidentally.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Home economics

3 cups plain flour
6 teaspoons Baking Powder
¼ teaspoon salt
75g butter
1 to 1 ½ cups milk

  1. flour, baking powder, and salt into a bowl
  2. Cut butter in until it resembles fine breadcrumbs
  3. Add milk and mix quickly with a knife to a soft consistency.
  4. Knead a few times
  5. Place baking paper on tray.
  6. Press scone dough onto this. Cut into 12 pieces.
  7. Coat with milk
  8. Bake at 180 for 10-15 minutes

  1. Cheese scones
Add ¾ cup grated cheese, pinch of cayenne pepper to flour.

Before baking top with a little cheese

What was your positive contribution to the practical Lesson?
I have worked well with the other members. This meant that our work was good.

What was a personal highlight for you?
Leaving the room because some people would not do anything.

Now that you have achieved this skill, what is the next step for you to master?
Easing down on directability. This means that ease back on doing most things.
What was your worst moment during the practical and why? How would you avoid this next time.
Probably when you would ask somebody to do something politely and that they would not do it and talk back.


Thursday 3 August 2017

My choices Art term three

My preferred movement of art that we learned in art is:
Art noveau
I feel that the suittle lines shows how sophisticated art can be. I feel that I can attempt an art novoe. As detail perseus asymmetrical approach. Relating to how much I enjoy the art of math.

My most inspiring image is:

 Image result for art nouveau easy
Because I feel that reflects math a subject that I enjoy. It shows how you can use lines and geometry to make art. THis means that art is not just art.

The thing I want to do better in art is:
I feel I need to improve my self confidence. This should be identified in confidence work all over the page.

Next week I will:
Try my best at everything I do.

Wednesday 26 July 2017

Mr Reece Tech

To day in tech we had our first day in tech. It was all about fertilisation and safety.
Here are links to my work.

work 1

work 2

Thursday 6 July 2017

DIgital Tech

This year in digital technology. This has been with Mr Carter. We have come from little experience to have a basic knowledge of the rights we have on technology. To show this we have created a website. This has been able to show all our work. Mr Carter likes to give us a big spell about what we are doing in the period. Sometimes people do not listen. So this would take a long time. It was annoying for people like me and John who would like to do Digital work. We have learnt the ergonomics of  gaming chairs and office. We then learnt the safety of us on computers. I have enjoyed the need of computers in our lives I have learnt that we all enjoy the use of computers. Unfortunately we have not done robotics. ( Mr Carter has not done this with us). I would probably like to change the more practical use of technology like robots or the fixing of digital technology.

Wednesday 28 June 2017

Truby King - sost

What did I learn:
Truby was a person who definitely strived to help people. This was found to be shown in multiple areas of his life. But  he most known for his biggest help, and that I think he is most proud off. This is the starting and the organization of the plunket. Most known for helping parents of New Zealand in the early years of children born in NZ. Truby created books of all stages of life. Marriage, parents with babies and  alot more.
Truby went to university at Edinburgh studying medicine. This providing him with knowledge on helping New Zealand death rates in his time. Truby expensively helped many people past his time because of the organization plunket.

See if you can find a Plunket book belonging to you or someone else in your family. Explain how you could use it in an assignment.
Using information provided by somebody who you have never met before would always be able to put that into a document. This would show knowledge that his legacy has provided for his benefit of parents in New Zealand.

Explain where the name Plunket Society came from.
The name was found to named after the govenor general's wife. This was known to become plunket as after their patron lady plunket.

Discuss why the welfare of babies is so important to a country.
In this country we rely on the dairy industry. Which in this case provides the formula milk for babies in NZ. THen this provides babies with a healthy future providing for the economy.

2005 saw the first male plunket nurse;

Friday 23 June 2017


Today I made an advertisement. My add is on promoting people joining the army in ww2.

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Monday 19 June 2017

James Hector

Something I learned:
James was a scientist of Geologist. He was born in 1834. Back then the study of science had to be studied as a medical student. James in that time explored Canada and Otago. He was the only person person to named by the government the director of New Zealand geological survey.

Discuss what you would like named after you if you became as famous as James Hector:
MY name would have to consist of some sought of leadership. My name would have to based on my country in this case NZ. The perfect name for me I think in my opinion would be. The godfather of the starting of science in New zealand.

Explain the meaning of pioneer and acclimatise.
Pioneer is based on many things. This could be related to you were a pioneer of the path.
or the pioneer of anything really. This word means the path leader.
Acclimatise is the word means to become adjusted to a new climate.

From the photo Draw conclusion about James.

James seems like a person who normally would stay on task to finish any thing. His work had to be perfect and if not would strive for the best of the best.

Explain the meaning of echinoderms,mollusca and crustacea

Lab report Soil erosion in NZ

Is soil in New Zealand a problem?
Due to New Zealand rugged landscape, weather has shaped it for millions of years. Due to this we are able to see small kinds of erosion in forms rock falls, ocean erosion and the effects on mountains due to rivers and winds. This has been happening for millions for mountains cave and hills. Eventually we will be able to see more of a defined view of erosion. This could be a problem over a long period of time. It is amazing to see what nature can do to the environment.

Experiment 1:
Experiment 1 consisted on how much water you could get out of a milk bottle of dirt. We had to pour water onto it to make a muddy liquid. We had to set a timer for 2 minutes, to find out the water quantity that we could get in the time. This was found to be a lot due to the lack of plantation, giving an easy run for the water into the container. This can be found in NZ on hills and mountains due to dirt and with no plantation.

Experiment 2:
Experiment 2 evolved us to figure out the quantity of water we could get in leaves. We were able to figure out due to common sense that it would be same to experiment 1. This was correct as there were no plantation holding any of the dirt or leaves like glue. In conclusion water quantity was very high.

Experiment 3:
Experiment 3 was the exact same as experiment 1 and 2. We used grass in this case. Water quantity was very low due to the glue-like roots which kept soil in pace from water erosion. In conclusion we were able to find effects to water erosion to 3 different landforms.

Experiment 4:
Different types of erosion was an experiment based on types of erosion. This consisted of wind, ocean and river erosion. We each had one big bucket, this was filled with sand, dirt and rocks. Ocean erosion consists of erosion to cliffs near oceans. The whole point of this was to see what water would do to the hillside. We all considered that the hill would collapse due to the water flow. This is a problem to NZ, because we are a coastal country. Many people should be aware that tsunami and title waves are more likely to happen in the future.

Experiment 5:
This consisted of the effects on the water in rivers on mountain in NZ. We set off an experiment in a hill, with rocks like real life. Water was gently poured down the river. As of this most of the hill collapsed due to the lack of plantation. In conclusion river with no plantation are more likely to cause land slips.

Experiment 6:
Experiment 6 was an experiment on wind effects to mountains. Due to NZ landscape, wind is funneled through valleys concentrating wind pressure onto the sides of hills. Due to this NZ hills has been formed for millions of years. Our experiment caused us to blow on the hill with a straw. Once again due to our lack of plantation our hill collapsed.

New Zealand has a rugged landscape, New Zealand has to be found of lots of plantation. Due to the lack of forest in New Zealand because of people cutting them down. There will never be enough trees in the world. Our experiments have found that nature is fighting itself in land shape forms. All these types of erosion can do this to the environment due to the lack of plantation. To conclude the key to NZ environment protection is more trees in coastal areas. Even though it take millions of years to erode, we can start now.

Thursday 15 June 2017

bell work

Learning Outcome - we are learning to use vocabulary words in writing, and practise reading comprehension skills

Success Criteria - I am successful if I complete all of the tasks outlined below to the best of my ability
  • gradually: Is an adverb.To slowly degrade down or up. Gradually means that something is going on a steady pace. It gradually came to zero.
  • Abandon: Is a verb. The abandoned child shivered in the cold. Abandon means to give up.
  • Abrasive:Is an adjective. The man was abrasive when he hit the boy. This means the man has no feeling for others or this case the boy
  • Develop: Is a Verb. You need to develop your throwing skills in softball. This means you need to improve on something.
  • Expel: It is a verb. You got expelled from school. This means got kicked out of school.

The coach said to the 13 teen year old "develop  your throwing skills". He gradually improved but the sport was not right for him. He abandoned the sport. The coach was abrasive to the boy. The boy was so annoyed he threatened the coach at school the next day. He got expelled. 

The great Pacific Garbage Patch

On the surface:

1. The Pacific garbage patch is also known is the Pacific Trash vortex

2.  It has been proven that most ocean debris will reach the pacific Garbage patch in a year or less this is normally from south east Asia.

3. This is because it is miraculously hard to spot these peace of rubbish. From boat decks and air. Because they are small and large items are uncommon and will not be normally surfaced.

4. While rubbish is normally found in oceans, a similar patch of rubbish has been found in the Atlantic ocean.

5. Animals have been found to harmed,with digestions problems this can be found in sea turtles and monk seals.

6. As pollution builds up humans have been coming up with more items to get put in bins that end up in oceans. This is a huge amount of waste and it is unidentifiable to count every peace of plastic. 

Thursday 8 June 2017

Bell work

Today in English I listened to the song Why Does the Sun Really Shine? (The Sun is a Miasma of Incandescent Plasma). I also did a stuff daily quiz. I got 10 out of 15.

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Social studies

To day I read a passage on Pita Sharples in social studies.

What I learnt:

Pita is man of strengths in leadership and mana. He shows pride in his teacher's degree,his phd and being the co leader of the maori party. As well as other roles in parliament today. His beliefs are that maori are tangata whenua. This meaning the people of the land. He promotes maori speech and the rights of all maori. And this is done by relationships with the pakaiah.

Explain what inter tribal and urban Maori mean, and then explain the link between urban Maori and Hoani Waititi marae.

Inter tribal is the relationship between the maori tribes and land. This relates to the whole of Maori culture and the bond people have to keep the maori culture alive. This can be shown in Pitas life,his dreams to relate all maori together.

Urban in the other hand relates to the inter cities of New Zealand. This could be related to the connections of Maori and New Zealand settlers. This could be shown in parliament with the connection with the Maori party and other connected parties in the cabinet.

Restorative justice aims to put things right for victims of offence eg. by a meeting of victims with offenders. Give you opinion about this.

I reckon this is should be talked on the opion on the people that would have to talk. This could be a time in that persons life that they don't wan't to bring back up. And not to say that this won't work for everybody it just be seen as a time that they can't carry on with their life.

Friday 2 June 2017

Analysing advertisements

L&P stubbies add

What type of story is it?
This is a story about New Zealand men. It shows the versatility of an everyday men. Outdoors or in the city. You wear stubbies and drink L&p.

What does the action suggest about the product?
It is trying to prompt the everyday need for the outdoor stubbes and thee L&p that shows what you need at the end of the day of a hot day.

What dose the add suggest about the product?
That for everything you do you need to stay hydrated with L&P.

Who are the character selling the product?
The men of New Zealand.

Who are the key audience? 
The everyday New Zealander

How does the product entice the customer?
It sought of says that if you are a everyday person have an everyday drink L&P.

Can you think of another add with this story?
The L&P pool add.

Thursday 1 June 2017

Water in New Zealand

What is sustainability?
Sustainability is the looking of the resources.This could be related to water,fossil fuels and oil. But not all resources can last for ever.These are called non reusable. As of this most natural resources are part of key survival to humans and will be the big part of human survival. With the likes of global warming.
What is the current state of water quality in New Zealand?
Water is not just found to just be polluted,it is the creations of many factors.These facter can be located to the close reagens of a river or lake.These could be cow farming,tree leaves or the use of dirt and rocks coming from under the earth or high peak flowing mountain.As of the natural landscape of New Zealand most rivers and lake come from the mountain ranges of New Zealand. Most of these are fresh and some of these rivers are salt. Most state of waters in the Canterbury region are dairy famed,as of this the cows business have been pumped into


Today I read about nasa sun touching machine hope you enjoy bell work for to day 9mn.

Monday 29 May 2017

Jessie Mackay sost

To day I read a passage on the famous New Zealander called Jessie Mackay.

Some thing I learnt:
Jessie Mackay was a typical kiwi farm daughter. She was on a farm in rangiora just above christchurch canterbury. She was homeschooled until the age of thirteen. Jessie was trained in teaching in christchurch. Because of an illness the love of teaching was for given and she became an editor and writer of the canterbury times. Jessie was a key fundamental of new zealand writing and poetry. She normally wrote about the social wellbeing of the maori wellbeing.

Describe how poetry and journalism can help create a sense of national identity?
With out the knowledge of outer limit of your community brings a preparation of your life's day. This could be shown in how you treat people because some one else got hurt. It also brings people together talking about the news.

Find two pieces of evidence that show Jessie was well known in New Zealand before she died. 
Jessie was popular because she got an award that is named after her. This award is called Jessie Mackay memorial prize for verse. her books can still be found on the internet.

Explain how Jessie's name is still kept alive in New Zealand?
New Zealand provides a free schooling system that provides a knowledge for kiwi kids. It means in a subject like social studies we can learn about New Zealand.

Quote the words Jessie used about early New Zealand poets?"We plowed a lonely furrow". Demonstration of appreciation.

 Image result for jessie mackay

Friday 26 May 2017

Business and enterprise drama selling elixir

We had the task to create an imaginary drink.This drink had to be sold to a cafe and the health board for our school so that we could sell at our tuck shop.

My drink is could juice to you.As of this we know had to come up with a way that we can promote our new imaginary product. So Jucie to you is a product that you can put in to a bottle,of course you could put any juice into a bottle.But what is so cool about my product is that the juice is not sticky. This is because of the low sugar,high flavor. I would be keen to relate my products with partnering businesses. As of these company promote their products to be healthy. I would convince the people of healthy eating companys to play a part in the ads.

The respect of the customer plays a part of the ads.This is because my add promotes the full respect of the customer. I state the fact of healthy eating with my background support.I state respect in the ways of prompting of the consumers health. This states why this product is seven dollars.Because it is made from biodegradable plastic.High calories in minerals,made from real juices. With natural rain water from samaleae.
All ingredients are sourced from fairtrade producer.

The consumer is guaranteed to show healthy progress in a consumer generated product.